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Monday, October 30, 2017

How to create the right context to make a decision ?

Creating the right context for the decision-making process is critical to making successful choices. This consists of:
  • Selecting the right people to participate in the process
  • Identifying a setting, or physical location, that will encourage creative thinking
  • Choosing an approach for making the actual decision
  • Creating a climate that promotes healthy debate and allows for diverse viewpoints

Phases of Decision Making as a group process

Managers who recognize decision making as a group process that unfolds over time increase their likelihood of making more effective decisions. Why? Because by devoting time to the process, they are able to identify and assess the issues associated with making the decision. 
By involving others, they weigh different perspectives and deepen the discussion.
Perhaps most important, taking a process-driven approach is more likely to lead to broader acceptance of the decision—and to more effective implementation.
The decision-making process can be broken into three distinct phases:
  • Phase 1: Establishing a context for success is the point at which you set the parameters for the decision making process. You'll decide who should be involved and how you'll operate as a group.
  • Phase 2: Assessing the situation and choosing a course of action is when you determine the root cause of the issue you are trying to resolve and discuss possible solutions. By the end of this phase, your group should reach a decision. 
  • Phase 3: Communicating and implementing the decision is the final stage, during which you notify stakeholders of your group's decision and take steps to put it into action.  
Keep in mind that this topic addresses business decisions that are important and far-reaching. It assumes that such decisions cannot be made effectively by one individual operating in a vacuum. However, many of the general principles conveyed in this topic can be applied to smaller decisions that, for whatever reasons, need to be made without group input.

The story of Wag Dodge and power of intuition in Decision Making

In the late 1940s, a number of smokejumpers died in a forest fire in Mann Gulch, Montana. It's a story, a tragedy, that teaches us a lot about the power of intuition and also some of the dangers when we use intuition to make decisions.
Wag Dodge was the foreman of that crew. They jumped from an airplane to fight a forest fire in Mann Gulch back in the late 1940s, and they thought it was a routine fire at first. Within an hour, however, Dodge realized, as the most experienced member of the crew, that they were facing what's called a "blow-up," that this fire would chase them at a rapid speed, and they needed to try to escape. And so they all began running for the ridge at his direction.
Soon he realized that they couldn't make it to the ridge, or at least many of them wouldn't be able to outrun the fire. Not knowing what to do, he quickly came up with, invented a strategy on the spot, something never done before in the history of fighting forest fires. He lit a match and he threw it into some grass in an area that wasn't wooded at all and that grass area burned very quickly and he ended up with a burned out area of dirt — and he lay in it. And he called all his team members to lay in the dirt as well. They all looked at him like he was a madman, with the fire chasing them. They said, "How could you stop and do that?" And they ran for the ridge and all but two of them died being chased down by this blaze.
Wag Dodge got up after the fire had just gone right over him and dusted himself off and he was perfectly healthy. He had deprived the blaze of any fuel by burning out that area of grass, and thus he'd survived. He'd used intuition, his gut instinct.
What is intuition? It's the ability to recognize patterns based on past experience. To see a situation, and then be able to relate it to other things you've done in the past. And then either be able to come up with the right strategy or pluck a strategy from something that's worked in the past in your own experience.
That's what he did: He related this to a variety of conditions and experiences that he had been through. And he invented something on the spot. And that's the power of intuition, our ability to do that. But there is a danger here as well. Wag Dodge didn't know his crew very well.

He hadn't built a lot of trust with them. And he didn't have a lot 
of time to communicate the rationale behind his decision.
And that's one of the risks when we make intuitive decisions, people don't understand our thought process. It's not like when we go through a big formal analysis where they can follow the steps. With intuition, it's this lightning bolt. They don't understand: How did you come to that conclusion? And therefore they don't buy into it and they don't follow our leadership. And therefore even though it was a brilliant strategy, a brilliant choice, no one else took it, and many of them died.

As a Manager do U take decisions in one moment or as a process ?

As a manager, you are faced with decisions every day. Some decisions are straightforward, such as deciding which team member to assign to a specific project. Others are more complex, such as selecting a new vendor or 
deciding to discontinue a product due to weak sales
Many managers tend to view decision making as an event—a choice to be made at a single point in time, usually by an individual or a small group. In reality, however, significant decisions are seldom made in the moment by one manager or in one meeting. Important decisions, such as changing the strategic direction of a group or hiring a new manager, typically require time and input from many individuals and sources of information throughout an organization. 

Hence, decision making can more accurately be viewed as a process.
Managers who recognize decision making as a process increase their likelihood of making more effective decisions. Why? Because by taking time they are able to identify and assess the issues associated with making the decision. By involving others, they weigh different perspectives and deepen the discussion. Perhaps most important, taking a process-driven approach is more likely to lead to broader acceptance of the decision—and to more effective implementation.

business case : introduction to Decision making ?

Fatima is a technical manager at an industrial-quality tool manufacturing company. The products that she and her engineers develop are manufactured internally.  

Fatima knows the manufacturing department is overburdened and frequently delivers its products late, resulting in delayed shipments to customers.

She's noticed that her competition is developing products faster by outsourcing the manufacturing process. In light of this, she's afraid that her company will lose new business.

Fatima's boss has asked her to investigate outsourcing options and decide how they should proceed.

She thinks the answer is clear—manufacturing the products externally would significantly save time and money. Fatima senses that her boss is in favor of this option as well.

She is inclined to personally gather the information that supports outsourcing and submit a proposal to her boss immediately.

 What would you do?

What may seem like a clear answer to Fatima may not be the best approach to arriving at the best business decision.

In order for Fatima to make the best decision, she needs to assemble a group that will first concentrate on understanding why their current process is costly and inefficient and then will explore possible alternatives for improving the process.

The group should consist of engineers as well as people outside her department; for example, someone from manufacturing and possibly sales. Including people with diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise will help her make a more informed decision.

Once the team identifies the underlying reasons for the issue they are facing, they should then generate and evaluate a number of alternatives for resolving the issue.

Although Leslie's inclination is to solve the problem a certain way, she should look for information and evaluate options that support alternative solutions. By involving others and evaluating a wide range of options, 

Fatima will increase her chances of making a successful decisions


Saturday, October 7, 2017

Who must join a meeting for a decision making

A group of people with diverse perspectives is more likely to generate a variety of thoughtful ideas than a group of individuals with the same background. When you choose people for your group, look for individuals who are likely to express differing points of view and who represent different interests. Your group should include:
  • Key stakeholders: These are the people most directly affected by the decision or who have a stake in the decision. You need their buy-in to put the decision into effect. Since they are more likely to support a decision they helped make, include them early in the process to ensure an efficient implementation.
  • Experts: Experts can educate the group and provide information about the feasibility of various options. Keep in mind that you may need more than one area of expertise represented in your group.
  • Opponents: If you are aware of individuals who may oppose the decision and block its implementation, invite them to one or more of your meetings. Involving potential opponents early on can eliminate obstacles down the road.
Ideally, your group should be small in size, preferably between five and seven members. Depending on the complexity of the decision at hand, you may want to involve as many as ten or as few as two people in the decision-making process.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

غير دماغك علشان تعرف تكسب الملايين ؟

المقصود بغير دماغك اي غير طريقة تفكيرك في الحياة و العمل من اجل ان تربح الملايين ؟ 
الشغل من 9 إلى 5 ما بيعملش ملايين؟ 

انتشرت الفترة اللي فاتت عبارة شهيرة نسبت لتاجر المخدرات الكولومبي "بابلو أسكوبار" بتقول إن محدش بيعمل ثروة بالشغل من 9 الصبح إلى 5 بعد الضهر، وانتشرت الجملة على السوشيال ميديا وناس كتير فهمتها ان لو متأخرتش واشتغلت ساعات أكتر في شغلك مش هتصنع ثروة، لكن في الحقيقة هو كان يقصد بيها ان وظيفتك الروتينية اليومية مش هتصنع ثروة والمفهومين سواء ده أو ده الاثنين غلط، ليه غلط؟
بص يا سيدي صيغة النجاح نسبية تختلف من شخص لآخر لأن كل واحد بينجح في الحاجة اللي بيحبها، ومش من المنطقي ولا من الطبيعي ان يبقى كل الناس رواد أعمال وأصحاب مشاريع وشركات لأن ساعتها مين اللي هيشتغل في المشاريع دي، لكن عشان تنجح في مقولة أساسية هي اللي بتضمنلك الوصول لتحقيق النجاح سواء كان كونك موظف أو في البيزنس بتاعك وهي DO IT SMART NOT HARD وحاول ديماً استخدام مجهودك ووقتك بذكاء فبالوظيفة العادية ممكن تعمل ثروة وبالبيزنس بتاعك ممكن تعمل ثروة بس بذكاء وبعيد عن المخدرات اللي بيتكلم عنها الراجل ده، وخلينا نتكلم عن مثال قدر انه يحقق معادلة النجاح على المستوى الوظيفي والبيزنس باستخدام الحلول الذكية.

مندوب المبيعات "جيسن هيفنز" من مدينة "نورويتش" في إنجلترا هو قصة نجاح موظف قدر انه يتحول من أسوء موظف في الشركة لمليونير، جيسن كان شغال مندوب مبيعات في شركة بتشتغل في بيع أجهزة الموبايل في إنجلترا وكان في بداية عمله يواجه مشاكل كبيرة في البيع على الرغم من ان الفترة دي كانت تجارة الموبايلات سوقها كويس والطلب عليها مستمر فكان بيقضى أكثر من 11 ساعة في المكتب عشان يحاول يقنع الأشخاص والشركات انهم يشتروا منه وكان أحياناً بينزل يزور مناطق صناعية ويعرض عليهم موبايلاته لكن بردوا نفس النتيجة محدش بيشتري،  لحد ما في يوم مديره هدده بالطرد لو محققش مبيعات وفي اللحظة دي قرر انه يستغل ذكائه فاتصل بالشركات وسألهم عن عقود التليفونات اللي مضينها مع الشركات المنافسة هتخلص امتى لأن كان وقتها الشركات بتتعاقد مع شركات موبايل بعقود سنوية للحصول على أجهزة وخدمات صيانة وخدمات تانية، وبمعرفة مواعيد تجديد العقود مع شركات الموبايل المنافسة عمل قائمة فيها التوقيتات دي، وبدأ يتصل بالشركات قبل مواعيد التجديد بأسابيع عشان يستغل عيوب المنافسين ويكسب العملاء بتوعهم، وقدر بالخطوة دي انه يعلي نفسه من الترتيب ال500 من ضمن 500 موظف مبيعات انه يوصل لرقم 1 ده غير ان في شركة موبايلات منافسة في لندن عرضت عليه انه يشتغل معاهم.

وعلق "جيمس" قائلاً إن تخطيطه البالغ الدقة كان هو السبب في استمرار ارتفاع أرقام المبيعات، وبسبب عمولات المبيعات اللي كان بيحققها قدر انه في عيد ميلاده الـ 24 يكافئ نفسه بشراء سيارة فيراري جديدة وبكده أثبت ان تحقيق النتائج مش بس محتاج مجهود وخلاص لكن محتاج مجهود وذكاء، الجدير بالذكر ان "جيسن" بعد ما ساب شغله فتح شركة "أيبوس ناو" اللي بتحقق إيرادات سنوية أكثر من 100 مليون استرليني.

المثال الثاني اللي بيدل على ان الوظيفة العادية ممكن تكون مربحة أكتر من امتلاك مشروع هو مثال "كارلوس غصن" اللي بدأ في وظيفة تنفيذية في شركة "ميشيلين" للإطارات وقدر فيها انه يترقى وأصبح بعد فترة مدير المصنع الخاص بالشركة وبعد كده ترقى تاني لمنصب مدير الأبحاث والتطوير ثم حصل "غصن" في شركة "رينو" الفرنسية على منصب مدير تنفيذي سنة 1996، وكانت أوضاع الشركة في الوقت ده مش مستقرة بالإضافة ان الشركة كانت بتحقق خسائر، إلا إن غصن قدر انه يغير الحال وفي خلال سنة واحدة قدر انه يرفع مؤشرات الأرباح في الشركة، وفي سنة 1999 تحالفت شركتي "رينو" و"نيسان" وأصبح هو المدير التنفيذي للتحالف الكبير ده اللي قدر بمجرد ما اشتغل في شركة نيسان انه يرجع الشركة تحقق أرباح تاني بعد ما كانت مهددة بالإفلاس فخطة الإنعاش التي قام بها "غصن" كانت معتمدة على تغييرات شاملة لقوانين الشركة فقدر انه يعيد الحياة للشركة من جديد، وبنجاح الشركة وازدياد الأرباح إلى ما يقارب الـ 9% ، قدرت "نيسان" انها تدخل السوق من جديد بسبب "غصن"، وبكده أصبح "غصن" الرجل الوحيد في العالم الذي يتقلد منصب رئاسة شركتين في آن واحد، فكان رئيس تنفيذي لرينو ونيسان في نفس الوقت، الجدير بالذكر انه في 2016 ترأس شركة ميتسوبيشي اليابانية ووصل مرتبه ل12 مليون دولار في الشهر، استراتيجية غصن في النجاح مليانة مجهود وطاقه وتطوير وإنجاز ومازالت بتدرس لحد النهاردة في الجامعات.

من المثالين دول نفهم ان انت لو في وظيفتك بتقضي وقت طويل لكن على الرغم من كده مش بتحقق نتائج فده معناه انك مش بس بتفشل في شغلك لأ كمان بتفشل في حياتك الشخصية وبتفشل في حياتك الأسرية والفشل هيفضل مطاردك لحد ما تلاقي حل ذكي وبالمناسبة الشخص المنسوبة ليه مقولة الشغل من 9 ل5 مش هيعمل ثروة كان عايز الناس ما ترضاش بالحلول الطبيعية والشرعية لصناعة الثروات.

وربنا يوفق الجميع :) :)
